This weekend we have an awesome RUM SALE!
10% OFf BLue Chair BAY!!
The best part? YOU CAN TRY IT FOR FREE!

We have some fun and exciting flavors for you to try!
First we have the rum creams!
Banana Rum Cream! Taste just like banana pudding, with just a hint of rum. Still delicious and sweet. You could pour this over ice cream or make a milk shake. This ones my personal favorite, and by survey a favorite among majority of our customers.
Keylime Rum Cream! They say it tastes kind of like keylime pie. I've never had keylime pie, but I just know it has a sweet taste. This also would go great over icecream or in a milkshake.
Cocnut Rum Spiced Cream! Spiced coconut? Sounds gross? But its still sweet with a small kick of spice, but not enough of a kick. I think you could put it in coffee. It could take the place of creamer.
Banana Rum! It has more of a liquor taste but still pretty sweet. You could probably drink this straight. Over ice. Floating the lazy river of banana flavor or on a banana boat.
Vanilla Rum! This is pretty sweet, SUPER sweet. Something you would definitely mix in your Coke or Dr. Pepper (thats how I like it. I'm obsessed with Vanilla Dr. Pepper.)
White Rum! Id say this is your pretty standard rum. Mixes with pretty much anything but I'd say juice since its summer! Well summer weather anyway.
Coconut Spiced Rum! I think you could compare this to Malibu's coconut rum. It's got a nice kick you can probably even smell it. This flavor makes me feel like I'm a pirate out sailing, ready for adventure.
Coconut Rum! This is the kind of flavor you'd mix in one of those topical FishBowl drinks. It pairs great with pinapple juice and almost makes you feel like you should be out by the beach.

These amazing flavors are out and ready to be picked up. Remember our tasting goes from 3:30pm to 7:30pm. Today and tomorrow!
Let us know which you got, if you drink it straight or what you decided mix it with! We want to know!